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What are the properties of Shou Sugi Ban?

Shou Sugi Ban has many advantages, of which the increased durability is the best known. It depends of course on which type of wood you are treating, but this old Japanese preservation technique increases the life span of any type of wood to which it is applied. In addition, the charred layer protects the wood from rot and insects. Moreover, the wood is more resistant to moisture. The charred top layer also has a fire-retardant effect, which is why it is often used on houses in Japan. These properties together contribute to the durability of the wood.
Another, perhaps less practical advantage, is its appearance. With this black wood every board is unique, which makes for a special end product. With Shou Sugi Ban, the drawings of the wood come out beautifully if you choose the cleaned version. Also the charred wood has a very contemporary look.

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